I'm really sorry I haven't been writing for while, so please forgive cutee aer here * champ* . I've been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. There are so many jobs out there, I bet I can name 1000 right now. Don't worry, I won't bored you to sleep. Hahass. Okay, so the options are wide, like very wide, like very wide, like THIS WIDE. I would go bigger but unfortunately my computer skills are nothing compared to papa's & mama. Hahas, anyways, there are many things I fancy to do as my job. Too many, I can't pick which one. We could say, now is a really long time before I even go to university, but early planning would never hurt right? Hahas, I hope so.
It's so scary. cutee Aer will have to go out by himself into the scary world. *Gulp* Oh well, think positive like papa always says. At least I get to work and travel and just have a happy life. Hahas. So I thought you might want to know what I want to be when I grow up. You see, you as the reader is so lucky to be having a sneak peak at my dream jobs. Hahas, lucky you. ^^ (don't worry, I cut it down to my Top 10 just for you)^_^
1. A military officer (like my tito arman)
2. A painter (like my tita venz)
3. A vet
4. A doctor
5. Marine Biologist
6. engineer or C.E.O like my papa
7. A person who goes into a jungle and takes care of endangered animals. I don't know what it's called, hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about. Hahas.
8. A author (writer)
9. A journalist
10.A Zoologist
Hahas, those nearer to the end were quite complicated words for me to use. My favorite to say was "zoologist". Teehee... Every time I say "zoologist" it makes me laugh crazily. Hahas...
Journalist! :) Hmmm, okay, I will still have to think about my wide choices.
Most importantly, people should do a job because they like it or want to, not because they get paid a lot. When people say they want to be for example a doctor because they want to save lives then that's a good reason but if people say they want to be a doctor because they get paid really well, it makes me feel sad that things in life aren't done anymore because they want to help but instead done so that they get money. I would never do that in my life, the jobs I want to do is all to help others, or help animals because I want to, not because of the money.
like my mom said money can disappear anytime and money cant save you from hell.
so maybe one day my dreams would come true and I'll let you know in time what I really decided to be, just for now all I want to do is study hard and serve God on being good so that He will guide me thru my better future and of course be a good son to my parents and a loving "gege" to my younger sister yellie which is very cute and chooo kulitz. ok ya all till my next post. see yah!
whatever it is that you like were always here to support you;) mama, papa & mei-mei yel love u so much anak;)