The other day I was looking at my old baby photos. Hahas. It reminded me of my first baby steps, no not only my first walking steps, but other big steps like my first time riding a tricycle in the philippines, and playing my first musical instrument. I was very shocked that this little boy used to be me, and how I grew up so fast. Shooting up faster than a... than a... oh, I don't know what :) Hahas.
Then I came to one photo of me and my papa. He was helping me to ride my bicycle after the training wheels were taken off. It was one of the hardest things to do in my early years, riding a bicycle without training wheels. How is someone supposed to ride a bicycle without training wheels?! I sure couldn't back then. Hahas. Anyways, they were very amusing picture as papa was helping me ride the bicycle=== Do you want to know the most embarrassing part? I will tell you, but you got to keep it a secret=== Shhhh... Promise? Pinky promise? Good. Okay, here goes...after all these years, I still can't ride the bicycle=== hahas. And I don't think papa can help me now!! :)
So I suppose I should have tried harder then, to ride the bicycle. Then I would have been riding my bike for a long time now... Hahas.
Then I saw this picture of me and my mama she's carrying me on her arms when I was a baby, she said Im only a week old here hahas my mama looks so young, like real young, just look like my schoolmate on deciples... hahas and I am so small cos she said I'm a premature when I was born.
then I saw this picture of me and baby yellie, my mei-mei. Im looking at her just like she is an angel cos my mei-mei yellie is really pretty and just like an angel when she's sleeping=== hahass but lessen that angel thing when she's awake hahas.
I am so lucky to have a wonderful family, mama is right I am so blessed maybe because Im a good boy hahas that was my mama was telling me === she is my # 1 fan, 2nd is my papa , 3rd is my mei-mei, and hundreds of my friends and of course also my relatives, but do you think same too? those who knew me says awww, and those who really knew me will say yeah! hahas.
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