Tuesday, May 10, 2011

who will feed the cat

Today was a very sad day for me, I shall tell you a sad story about a kitten I saw yesterday night. This is like when mama used to tuck me in at night and I would always ask him to read me a story so I could go to sleep. Tee hee. But whenever mama started reading I would fall asleep after the 3rd page. ^_^
So the story goes like this.

Last night, papa, mama, yel and I went out for dinner in the local resto shop. I was so shock to find a tiny kitten wondering around the place. I was so sad, because this kitten had lost its mama and papa. I would be so sad if I lost my mama and papa. This kitten had no where to go and was all alone with no place to sleep. I told papa that I wanted to help this little kitty. So after dinner we went to buy a carton of milk and I poured it on to a plastic container and that was how I helped the little kitten. How will a little kitten be able to survive in this harsh world? Kitty has no food, no water, no family, no house and most importantly no love.

Yesterday night was when I realized that there was so many cats all alone like this, it made me really sad. They are all trying to survive, and not all of them will. :( It would be like a fight for survival, so sad.

From that night, I promised papa that I would be very nice to animals. If everyone is nice to animals then I'm sure all the little kittens will be happy.^_^

That was my sad story and that really did happen yesterday night. I hope no one fell asleep just like how I used to fall asleep when mama told me bedtime stories to me. ^_^ Hahas

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The other day I was looking at my old baby photos. Hahas. It reminded me of my first baby steps, no not only my first walking steps, but other big steps like my first time riding a tricycle in the philippines, and playing my first musical instrument. I was very shocked that this little boy used to be me, and how I grew up so fast. Shooting up faster than a... than a... oh, I don't know what :) Hahas.

Then I came to one photo of me and my papa. He was helping me to ride my bicycle after the training wheels were taken off. It was one of the hardest things to do in my early years, riding a bicycle without training wheels. How is someone supposed to ride a bicycle without training wheels?! I sure couldn't back then. Hahas. Anyways, they were very amusing picture as papa was helping me ride the bicycle=== Do you want to know the most embarrassing part? I will tell you, but you got to keep it a secret=== Shhhh... Promise? Pinky promise? Good. Okay, here goes...after all these years, I still can't ride the bicycle=== hahas. And I don't think papa can help me now!! :)

So I suppose I should have tried harder then, to ride the bicycle. Then I would have been riding my bike for a long time now... Hahas.

Then I saw this picture of me and my mama she's carrying me on her arms when I was a baby, she said Im only a week old here hahas my mama looks so young, like real young, just look like my schoolmate on deciples... hahas and I am so small cos she said I'm a premature when I was born.

then I saw this picture of me and baby yellie, my mei-mei. Im looking at her just like she is an angel cos my mei-mei yellie is really pretty and just like an angel when she's sleeping=== hahass but lessen that angel thing when she's awake hahas.

I am so lucky to have a wonderful family, mama is right I am so blessed maybe because Im a good boy hahas that was my mama was telling me === she is my # 1 fan, 2nd is my papa , 3rd is my mei-mei, and hundreds of my friends and of course also my relatives, but do you think same too? those who knew me says awww, and those who really knew me will say yeah! hahas.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

preparing for my new school

I'm going to start on my new school here, school here starts at feb, since I am a transferee I'll start next week when everything is ok already, and there's plenty to get done. I promised myself that I would be very organize and complete all homework given. Most of my friends in singapore and I always say this but in the end we're nothing near organized. It's true. ^^

Maybe this will be the start at least be close to my goal. So I prepared a short list (well actually it's pretty long) on what to buy for the new school. Hahas. somehow I'm excited again because a new school again, new friends are waiting for cutee aer, and not to mention beautiful girls too hahass and I'm proud of because just this morning when we go to park near here some ausie's keep looking at me like im a justine bieber teehee hahass proud to be brown, hahass because they like brown people here for them being brown is an asset, whoo hoo! thanks for my ethnicity

so these are what I need;

1. One school bag-(I cant use my old anymore) of course new school new bag If I had no school bag, my hands will be broken by now with all those heavy books.

2. post it- Imagine if I need to say hello cutee I just post it on her desk ! Muahahahas...

3. One pencil case-Well of course, to keep all the mechanical pencil and ballpens, coz I dont want it all around my bag and cant find it If I needed one!! ^^

4. One zipper file- To keep the hundreds of worksheets I plan to get from my teachers. *Gulp* :)

5. 2 medium sized notebooks- One, to write any extra homework, but mostly to do my secret workings for maths. Hahas. And the second notebook strictly for doodling when I'm bored.

6. Wallet- I'll need to keep some money to eat right? Or else, this cutee will get very hungry :)

7. Shoes- Of course for extra handsome points, I saw one at the catalogue of adidas yesterday, more of rugged school shoes type, or the leather one of converse they're nice.

8. Socks- The old ones are now very stinky. Hahas. But they were very nice, comfy. Oh no!i remember my old has polka dots...oopsiee i think they're not polka dots.. they were holes. Hahahas...just joking, all my socks are still good but I need new one for the new shoes ^_^

9.last but not the least---I need a new cam phone coz my old just broke yesterday when my cousin borrowed it it slipped on his hand and now its broken.

and the other I could use my things from SG its still olrigtee to use, then If I still needed to add some maybe we could buy it again next time.

Do you think papa and mama will agree with my lame excuses to get all of that stuff? Let's cross our fingers!^_^ Going shopping with my parents is always extremely fun. Tee hee. We will go shopping for my needs this saturday.^_^ My papa always says this, and i totally agree with him, things are always special when you don't do it too often (like shopping). Then that always gives you a little surprise.

but my mama said doing what you like to do but dont do it is just like you need to eat but you cant eat hahass! then my papa will just say " "ok love"^_^ then my mama will say "i love you love" and then kiss and then my papa will say "well thats because Ilove you" and then me and yellie will say "yahooo!!!!"

and then papa will say "everything for my family" then we will say

"time to play yahoo!!!" hahass then the rest is history. ^_^

what I want to be when I grow up

I'm really sorry I haven't been writing for while, so please forgive cutee aer here * champ* . I've been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. There are so many jobs out there, I bet I can name 1000 right now. Don't worry, I won't bored you to sleep. Hahass. Okay, so the options are wide, like very wide, like very wide, like THIS WIDE. I would go bigger but unfortunately my computer skills are nothing compared to papa's & mama. Hahas, anyways, there are many things I fancy to do as my job. Too many, I can't pick which one. We could say, now is a really long time before I even go to university, but early planning would never hurt right? Hahas, I hope so.

It's so scary. cutee Aer will have to go out by himself into the scary world. *Gulp* Oh well, think positive like papa always says. At least I get to work and travel and just have a happy life. Hahas. So I thought you might want to know what I want to be when I grow up. You see, you as the reader is so lucky to be having a sneak peak at my dream jobs. Hahas, lucky you. ^^ (don't worry, I cut it down to my Top 10 just for you)^_^

1. A military officer (like my tito arman)
2. A painter (like my tita venz)
3. A vet
4. A doctor
5. Marine Biologist
6. engineer or C.E.O like my papa
7. A person who goes into a jungle and takes care of endangered animals. I don't know what it's called, hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about. Hahas.
8. A author (writer)
9. A journalist
10.A Zoologist

Hahas, those nearer to the end were quite complicated words for me to use. My favorite to say was "zoologist". Teehee... Every time I say "zoologist" it makes me laugh crazily. Hahas...
Journalist! :) Hmmm, okay, I will still have to think about my wide choices.

Most importantly, people should do a job because they like it or want to, not because they get paid a lot. When people say they want to be for example a doctor because they want to save lives then that's a good reason but if people say they want to be a doctor because they get paid really well, it makes me feel sad that things in life aren't done anymore because they want to help but instead done so that they get money. I would never do that in my life, the jobs I want to do is all to help others, or help animals because I want to, not because of the money.

like my mom said money can disappear anytime and money cant save you from hell.

so maybe one day my dreams would come true and I'll let you know in time what I really decided to be, just for now all I want to do is study hard and serve God on being good so that He will guide me thru my better future and of course be a good son to my parents and a loving "gege" to my younger sister yellie which is very cute and chooo kulitz. ok ya all till my next post. see yah!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

hide and seek teddy bear then tagged it

Hide and Seek Teddy Bear Tag!
Remember when we kids play this! We loved to play Tag and Hide and Seek! This is a combination of the two.

I have hidden a teddy bear
on someone's page or blog! When you see it then you tag someone and they will hide a teddy bear on someone's page or blog. Here's an example you can copy and paste.


I found a

Now you've been tagged. It's your turn to hide the

It's easy! You find a teddy bear and then you tag someone. After you've been tagged hide a teddy bear.

Eventually there will be lots of people who will be "it" and everyone will always be looking for the teddy bear. The more the game is played the more teddy bears will show up and the more often you will get tagged. Tag whomever you would like and have fun with the game!

Monday, April 25, 2011

goodbye SG hello Perth

yesterday was our families last day at singapore, so I went to all my friends and classmate and spend my whole day with them, sad goodbye here and there, giving farewell cards, and hugging side by side I'm sad leaving my old friends there but as my mom said "no pain no gain".

A new opportunity, a new school, a new friends is waiting for me in perth thats what she said, and its not that hard for us because my fathers cousin and his brothers are also in perth.


Flight was good, went really quickly - 5hrs. It was funny though I must have dozed off and I woke with a fright and screamed a little in horror thinking we were in the middle of a storm and hit major turbulance. Turned out we had landed ha--ha!!!. I am such an idiot!! Horray, finally in Australia!!!!

So im here now writting my blog just to keep you updated, wait up for my next posting soon.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What makes me believe that there is GOD out there

going to church is my sunday routine,before when I was younger my mom was pressuring me to go to church and I don't like it.You see I was born a christian coz my mom is a christian, so that makes me  christian too but I guess I was believing blindly before until such time that I think God was trying to tell me something
Then it became pretty obvious He was speaking to me.

one time i sleep over at my best friend in pri -6  his bed is a double decker wood bed, and when i sleep there he used to sleep on the top deck and me on the lower deck and usually when we do that we had a habit of lying in bed and chat ourself to sleep, we were already tucked in bed and about to drift to sleep, when their phone rang, then his mom go to us and said my mom is calling, so i looked at my watch and its said 10:25 pm, so i was puzzled why my mom will call me this late and usually when she called its on my celphone, so even if I'm so lazy to stand up and answer her call I did coz maybe its emergency thing or someone visit from philippines.

So I got up to answer the phone, as i stepped out of bed and about to reach the phone extension , the upper deck where my best friend was sleeping collapsed, so i thought how could that be, the bed is made out of hard wood and something gave way, My bestfriend woke up abruptly and said it felt like a roller coaster. My mouth hung open as I saw the damage. If I had been sleeping soundly beneath, I would have been flat as a blood pancake.
Immediately I conveyed this miracle to my mom on the phone and asked her why did she call me. she said she couldn’t remember but felt she needed to call me,
Still, after this incident, I didn’t think much about reconciling with my faith (ungrateful human).
After that incident, I stopped fearing because I knew there is Christ, my Provider & my saviour.
so since then i told to myself that if he's protecting me all the way then i should talk to him to if i could and  share some of my talent that he gave me to my church, so i am now a member of the choire on sunday school, and everytime i served for his honor i felt great

 for my young thought this is what i think, If Christ is not real and it had all been a lie, what is there to lose when the world ends?
But IF Christ is real and everything you believed about this faith is true, haven't you hit jackpot?