Thursday, February 17, 2011

what do we really want?

The question is  what do we teenagers  really want?

    they said It's always been a trouble to control the activities of us teenagers by our parents since it is the period during which we wants to come out of the control of our parents and wants to experience new things in the world as an adult and not as a often it creates problem between us and them and often leads to misunderstanding.... is it true? well maybe the problem is  they're not communicating that well, i am a normal teenager though but i dont have much problem with this because i could open up to my parents anytime on anything... eeerrrr yah about my personal life included, well they do understand and sometimes i get better advice from them but of course there are some NO NOS! :) .... ok back to topic... so what  do we really want then?  ( puzzled again) ok lets try to determined what really do most of us wants that some parents dont understand...we research and ask some teenager friend that are older than us. so this is what they said:

Being a teenager is a strange and yet exciting part of life. We are faced with tough and critical decisions each and every day- decisions that will affect our lives. Everyone goes through the teenage years, but as people get older, they seem to lose touch with their teenage experiences and feel as though they can't relate to anything that teenagers go through
jenny 16

Teenagers have problems connected with their parents
who don`t understand their needs, meaning that they always want to be free with no obstacles, like a bird. In this case, parents are a branch that the little bird hits when it flies.


There are many people
but you feel alone.
You want to do what you want
but your parents say when to come home.
You want to be a grown-up
but on the other hand you miss your childhood.
You are allowed to do so many new things
but there is the fear of decisions and responsibility.
You laugh, you cry, you keep quiet, you want to sing.
Sometimes you can`t explain what you feel. That are problems of TEENAGE LIFE.
Sometimes it`s really great
but it also can be as hard as a knife.

As we approach teenage years, both males and females go through some rough times. Speaking from a female position, I know how hard it is to worry if you look okay and if you're "developing" enough. For males, they go through changes in their body and their voice. They are faced with situations such as steroids and other "masculine" drugs. Men are propagandized into believing they need to be tall, dark, and handsome with so much muscle mass and as little fat as possible.
However, I think the emphasis of the hardships on teens is more toward females. There is such a demand in the media and in our everyday life for females to be that ideal, 5' 10", 100 pound, blonde, blue-eyed, big chested woman.
We are constantly bombarded with images and advertisements to be something we physically can't be....
coach mao

There are problems in a teenager's life, but I think they are basically a part of evolution and becoming adult. That actually means that these things are not real problems, but it is just the way of managing them.
Often teachers and parents cannot handle them because they don't understand and know teenagers, especially their wishes, problems or different moods in a short time. Parents don't understand that getting adult and more responsible is often pretty hard, so teenagers have to solve their problems first. That's why they are impolite, unsocial or crazy. They are not selfconfident any more and have to hide that by attacking others.

Teenager's problemsThe problem is that the older people like parents and teachers differ from the teenagers. They have had a different education with different norms. Generally speaking whenever we meet older people two different world confront each other. This sometimes leads to conflicts as if you meet people of a different nationality. But I myself get along with them well. Indeed; there are some exceptions. You can't like all your teachers, can you? I often have my own opinion. Teachers are only humans and they make mistakes like giving bad grades or being too stupid  to make an experiment in Physics and so on. oopppsssiiieee  :) well i cant create this blog if im wasnt honest though :)

Sometimes I believe teenagers' lives begin in the emotional way.
"We want to be loved by a girl or a boy. Our parents seem as if they want to stop us. Our friends are more important than ever. Those people help us. And most friends are of our age. They have got similar problems and they understand us. But we have to solve our problems on our own. We want to be free, we want to do what we think is right. Sometimes we are not allowed to do that"    said by:  jayson, 15

There are a lot of things that may distract or tempt a teenager to do wrong things. Peer pressure can easily force teens to do smoking, sex, and drugs. Most teenagers know that it's wrong, but they feel like they need to do these things in order to fit in and be cool. But fortunately most teens know how to handle it by saying no.
Edith, 16


Parents are much wiser than many teenagers are because
they have experienced life and have gone through many learning experiences. I can see where parents don't want their teenagers to experience many of these things, and teenagers shouldn't, but it's a part of life, and bad things happen every day.
Teenagers should be comfortable in telling their parents what they think, but what the teenager says will only be up to the teenager. There are things that parents need to know, and others they may not need to know. When a teenager can't trust their parents, then there is something wrong.

When rules come into play, both parents and teenager should sit down and talk about them. They should talk about why the rules are being set, their views/feelings on the rules, the consequences of breaking the rules, and then maybe a common ground can be reached. Rules do need to be set, but they should be somewhat fair. If there were no rules, then the teenagers may end up doing something they would regret for the rest of their lives.

Family life can also be crazy when you're a teen.
Your parents can be annoying by nagging and punishing you all the time. For instance, even though I have good grades, my parents always complain that I spend more time on fun and less time on my studies. Your parents always check up on you, and they maybe even spy on you. The reason for that is because they care about you, and they worry about your life and your choices.  Even though parents and siblings can be extrememly embarrassing and annoying, though, they are an important part of our lives, and we will appreciate them more as we get older.
Edith 16

------------------------TIME FOR SENSIBLES---------------

Despite the hardships teenagers face, I believe somewhere in between the tears and the anger that we can all enjoy our time as "young adults." Just think... fifteen to twenty years from now when you throw your back out and start balding, all you'll be saying to yourself is "What I wouldn't give to be teenager again"! :-)

WHO HELPED ME WHEN I FELL? WHO PATIENTLY HEARD ALL OF MY STORY? WHO'S BOUGHT ME EVERYTHING? WHO'S SUPPORTED ME? WHO'S HELPED ME WHEN PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD OPPOSED ME?........YAH MY MOM! :)  parents will always be there for us & will never reject us, even the whole world turned againsts us, they will always be there for us, so all we just need to do is to communicate with them well... yah? cheesy eh :)

------------------WANNA MAKES YOU LAUGH BEFORE YOU LEAVE MY BLOG-------------

Quit smoking
A friend asks his friend for a cigarette. His friend says, "I think you made a New Year resolution to quit smoking".

The man says, "I am in the process of quitting". Right now, I am in the middle of phase one.

What's phase one? I've quit buying

The God of Death
A man was peacefully sleeping in his home. Suddenly the God of Death appeared before him and said, "Go out and enjoy! Nothing will happen to you for the next 10 years."

He did so and met with an accident and died.

In heaven, he asked off the God of Death,"Why did you lie to me?"

Came the reply: "Sorry, son. It's appraisal time. I had to achieve the target..."

------------------------I AM YOUR BLOGGER- AERON THE DREAMER---------------------

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